Debtors’ executioner

The service is intended for natural persons who have financial problems because of dishonest debtors.

The service “Debtors’ Executioner” includes:

  • diverse consultations on debt recovery issues;
  • selection of the most suitable and optimal debt(s) recovery option;
  • implementation and control of debt(s) purchase,  claim takeover or pre-trial recovery;
  • representation of the client’s interests in negotiations or relationships with the Debtor(s), bailiffs, in companies and organisations, and pretrial debt recovery process.

The features of the service “Debtors’ Executioner”:

  • You get full and qualified legal aid on the debt recovery issues;
  • You do not experience any costs associated with the pre-trial debt recovery procedure, and only pay the pre-agreed success fee for the recovery of the debt, after the Debtor actually fulfils his monetary obligation (repays the debt) or gives the Creditor an appropriate guarantee/pledge (real estate, etc.).

For further information, please contact us by phone: +370 650 20715 or e-mail: